Penalty Abatement Masterclass
How to Draft a Winning Abatement Request
Tuesday, August 27, 2024 | 1pm – 3pm Eastern | via Live Webinar
Exclusive Program to TRN
This special two-hour program will see Tax Rep Founder Eric Green walk you through how Penalty Abatement works for the first 90 minutes, review various cases for abatement and how to draft the winning argument to get your client’s penalties wiped out. Eric will then spend the last 30 minutes “Live on Camera” answering all of your questions!
The cases reviewed will include:
Identifying First-Time Abatement Opportunity
Reasonable Cause for a Bad Prior Tax Pro
Reasonable Cause for Medical Issues
Reasonable Cause for a Missed Information Return Form 5500
Reasonable Cause for Missed W-2/W-3 Form