Start Your Million-Dollar Tax Representation Practice Today
Maximize Your Revenue Potential with the Tax Rep Opportunity for Enrolled Agents
As an Enrolled Agent, you know how confusing and difficult tax compliance can be for anyone…let alone the average taxpayer.
Have you served clients who are on the brink of bankruptcy and serious personal and professional distress because of unresolved tax issues? Wouldn’t you love to be able to help them in a meaningful way, using a proven methodology that also allows you to fully monetize your skills?
This is what building your million-dollar tax representation firm is all about.
Master, Market, and Monetize Your Million-Dollar Tax Rep Opportunity
Evolve your tax rep knowledge and increase your earning potential. Build on the fundamentals with support from your Tax Rep Mentor Eric Green, plus key IRS updates, additional resources, in-depth virtual and live conferences, key publications and updates, and collaboration with other professionals.
Expand your tax rep practice to fully realize your firm’s million-dollar potential. Access exclusive education opportunities, next-level resources, plus live sessions and critical updates with your Tax Rep Mentor Eric Green, the IRS, and a deeply engaged group of your enrolled agent colleagues.
A comprehensive program and collaborative network to help you master, market, and monetize the tax representation opportunity with your Tax Rep Mentor, Attorney Eric Green
Maximize Your Revenue Potential with the Tax Rep Opportunity for Enrolled Agents
Learn about the next level of tax rep: Compare Memberships

Meet Your Mentor
Eric L. Green, Founder Tax Rep Network, Top IRS Tax Attorney
Eric specializes in representing individuals and business owners before the IRS, the Department of Justice Tax Division, and state taxing authorities as a practicing attorney and partner in the firm Green & Sklarz, LLC. He has helped thousands of taxpayers successfully resolve their adverse tax situations, giving them peace of mind and protection.
Tax representation is Eric’s deep personal and professional passion, one that he has pursued with the purpose of educating taxpayers and the tax, accounting, and legal professionals who can help them, about the significant benefits of tax representation.
In addition, Eric is a highly sought-after speaker on tax controversy and criminal tax topics for a number of organizations, including CCH, The NAEA, ABA Tax Section, the Connecticut Bar and NATP. Learn more about Eric and the TRN Team.